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Swagelok Salt Lake

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Meet the Team

Please click the name of the team member you wish to contact and a ready-to-use email message window will appear. 

For general product inquiries, or requests for quotes or orders you can email our customer service team.

Salt Lake City

Jon Kruse


Michael Holzrichter

Director of Sales

Shannel Holzrichter

Strategy & Development Manager

Brady Casper

Field Engineer

Teri Oldham

Customer Service

Rachel Shao

Operations Manager

Blake Spencer

Account Manager - Northern Utah & N.E. Nevada


Jeremy Royce

Technical Specialist / Trainer


Blake Mitchell

Sales Manager


Carter Shirra

Account Manager 

Anthony Triantafillidis

Field Engineer

Jim Johnson


Trevor Whitlock


Carlos Chavez

Fabrication Manager

Darrin Foote

Assembly Technician

Maddie Slack

Customer Service



Christian Coonce

Account Manager - Western Idaho

Ken Turner

Branch & Purchasing Manager

David Seiler


John Welch


Shada Oblak


Lavina Medina


Taylor Harrison

Customer Service




Idaho Falls & Montana

Dave Ferrin Cody Clark

Account Manager - Eastern Idaho & Western Montana  Account Manager - Eastern Montana

Sean Bazzell

Business Intelligence

Bryannah Day

Customer Service


Ken Owen



Rock Springs

Carter Shirra

Account Manager - Southwest Wyoming 

Michelle Nelson

Customer Service & Quality Manager


Shawn Persinger

VMI Specialist